

LOLS5总决赛酒桶被禁用 美服官网发布酒桶禁用公告



After further investigations following the Gragas bug and remake during Game 2 of the Fnatic vs. EDG series, we have more information about how the bug works and the likelihood of it reoccurring. We know that champion disables are disruptive to team strategies and didn’t want to rush a disable when the exact cause and the likelihood of the bug occurring were unknown.

Having looked into this further and isolated the cause, we now know the bug is more likely to recur than we initially thought. We don’t want to endanger the integrity of the upcoming games or risk additional remakes, so we are are disabling Gragas for the remainder of the tournament. The bug is also reproducible on Lux and Ziggs, and so to be safe, we are disabling them for the remainder of the tournament.

We have chosen to do this at the end of Quarters and with a full week before Semis so that the teams will have time to adjust their strategies. We know that Gragas has been a high priority pick so far in Worlds and we want to make sure all four teams have the chance to adjust as necessary.




