



SUPERCELL官网论坛管理员Tim,回复了玩家的这个贴,他表示,无论如何网友的这个提议都是“good idea”,然后就没有然后了。


The one addition I would recommend is regarding terror. I have no problem with the idea of needing different troop strategies to beat terror. I would just recommend that boosts last longer to compensate. Switching to Tmeds will take up almost 2/3 of the boost time. Heck, even going to any strategy involving Zookas take almost 1/3 of the total boost time just to switch the troops.

Good point. If we were to encourage more frequent troop switching to combat different types of level, then we'd have to change how troop switching and boost timers worked together.

Originally Posted by B4rtenderDo you mean unifying the troop building time per unit size? Ie. a tank would build in the same time as 8 riflemen?

Exactly! That was the principle of the idea anyway. We didn't go into detail about what each landing craft slot should cost in time, or even whether it was a good idea!

