



Thanks for the plethora of suggestions, you totally blew my expectations out of the water with the sheer variety! Also, I'm very impressed with how creative most of you were with the use of one word answers...

So here's a list of what we're currently working on, thinking about or ruling out for the time being. However, please bear in mind that nothing below is guaranteed - even the stuff we're currently developing might not turn out as we want it to and may end up changing, being put on the back burner or removed. (大意:以下内容不保证不会变更)

WHAT WE'RE WORKING ON... (正在实现的功能)

Achievements (still! ) (新成就)

Improving the 'Hammerman attacks you' event (哈莫曼进攻事件的改进)

Some system(s) to encourage gaining VPs and make it worthwhile to do so (the aim behind this is that matchmaking would benefit from a player-wide consensus to gain VPs) (鼓励玩家升杯的机制)

Ability to see who hasn't done their operation attack (查看战队中尚未进攻者)

Co-Leader rank (新职位:副指挥官)

New prototype weapon(新原型武器)

For reasons I can't yet reveal, we're also working at the same time on something for the update after the next one... (还有一些进行中的,下下次的更新内容,但还不能告诉大家!)
