HawksBurstSweet:this game was a string of consecutive heartattacks(这场比赛让我心脏病连续发作。。。)

EpicRaidsTURKEY :I seriously thought that was it. If Optimus had hit that damn shockwave.....?(我不得不去猜想:如果发条那个致命的冲击波拉中的话。。。。?)

Tsmart:From 0-4 to 4-4 in one day and making it out of groups, what an absolutely unreal run by Fnatic(同一天内从0-4打到了4-4,这还是那个Fnatic吗?)

Royalflush0: Soaz went from 0/4 to 8/4 this game, what a coincidence(嫂子这局比赛从0-4打到了8-4,这是巧合吗?)

Voidshrine:EU always has the high ground in ties(欧洲一直是打优势局的高手。内心独白:碰上SKT 试试。。。)

SamKetchup :Soaz carry(嫂子carry啦!)

ass_pickles: NA week 2 D:,EU week 2 :D (NA第二周在哭,EU第二周在笑)

xxPray:"Yeah if we play standard, we'll lose. So we don't play standard." - GAM(是的,如果我们打常规阵容必输无疑,所以我们不会打常规的阵容的--GAM 那最后一局是什么意思!!)

lllIIIIIIl :I'm so fucking happy for Rekkles lol (我实在是太**的高兴了,Rekkles打的太好了)

