

▍Normal Difficulty -- 普通模式

Hero Power : Pile On, 0 Mana - "Put a minion from each deck onto the battlefield".


Health 血量: 30

His deck is filled with massive creatures and legendary cards.


Keep in mind that anytime Pile On brings a minion onto the field, it won't be activating the minion's Battlecry.


注意,被 BOSS 英雄技能拉进战场的随从不会触发战吼。

▍Normal Difficulty -- 英雄模式

Hero Power: Pile on, 0 Mana - "Put two minions from [Coren's] deck and one minion from your opponents deck onto the battlefield".


Health: 30 + 15 Armor(30血15甲)

When he starts losing a bit of control, he would play a spell that drops 4 1/1 Taunt creatures (Bouncer) onto his side of the field.

当他开始失去一点控制时,他会施放一个法术,召唤 4 个 1/1 嘲讽生物(保镖)到场上

When he starts losing a lot of control, he'd play the Dark Iron Bouncer. This card is specific to boss fights and cannot be obtained for constructed or arena.

当他开始失去很多控制时,他会召唤 “黑铁保镖”。

Dark Iron Bouncer: 6 Mana, 4 Attack, 8 Health - Always Wins Brawls.



Then he plays Brawl!


If you can survive, he seems to eventually just run out of minions.


